Labor Logistics: A Go-Time Checklist

When those first contractions hit, you know what you don’t want to be thinking about? YouTubing car seat installation tutorials or finding someone to feed the dog while you’re away from home. Going into labor just doesn’t leave much space in your brain for those kinds of details, so it’s best to tackle logistics beforehand—the peace of mind is worth it! Even if you’re a master procrastinator, your baby might not be, so giving yourself a deadline for these tasks at least two weeks before your due date is a great goal to have. And you know what? The world won’t end if you don’t get everything squared away before delivery. You’ll just figure it out on the go, which is a good taste of new parenthood anyway.
But here’s a helpful checklist so you’ll know what to do (or at least be aware of what you’re not doing—the fewer surprises the better!).
1. pack your hospital bag
This one is the easiest to put off, but unless you want to end up in the maternity ward without your favorite robe and nothing but hospital soap to wash your post-delivery face with, you might want to make it a priority. You don’t need much, just the essentials and whatever else will make you feel comfortable and at ease, whether it’s a snuggly pair of socks, or your favorite rosewater face mist. Check out our hospital bag checklist, for inspiration.
2. install the car seat
Hang out in a hospital parking lot long enough, and it’s almost inevitable that you’ll spot a flustered partner checking and re-checking the infant car seat they’ve just installed. It doesn’t have to be this way! Install your car seat ahead of time (don’t forget the newborn insert!), and you can ensure that it’s all buckled and secured exactly as it should be, for the safest transport of your baby’s first ride.
3. Choose a pediatrician
If you want to see a few offices and meet a handful of doctors in order to choose the one that feels right for you and your family, this might take a bit longer than you think. Many pediatricians hold open houses at particular times, or you can schedule individual appointments. Throw in the question of insurance coverage, and you might need more than one first choice. But taking the time to choose one beforehand will mean the first doctor your baby sees right after delivery will be someone you trust and feel comfortable with.
4. wash baby's laundry
Maybe you packed your hospital bag and installed the car seat, but when you get home with baby realize you have nothing clean to put this sweet newborn in! Be sure to wash your crib sheets, bath towels, and newborn clothes beforehand, so that doing laundry isn’t the way you spend your first day at home.
5. create contact tree
News travels fast, especially when it’s this good! But you and your partner don’t want to be the ones having to share it with everyone when you’re recovering from delivery, figuring out breastfeeding, and basically making constant heart eyes at the tiny human you’ve just met. Tell the few people closest to you, and designate a point person or two that can communicate to the rest of your friends and family members. This is also a good time to think about who you want in the delivery room with you (if anyone!), and who you’ll want to see just after birth, ’cause pretty much everyone is going to want to see you, but that doesn’t mean you have to roll out the welcome wagon.
6. get a house/pet/babysitter
If you have any pets, any other children, or even any houseplants that you’ll need caring for while you’re away from home, designate someone who can be on call and ready to step up when the time comes. In fact, designate two people, so you have a backup if necessary. Make sure each person has a key to your house ahead of time, and all the instructions they’ll need.
7. set up meal train
If there’s one thing most new mamas are, it’s famished. Labor and delivery is grueling work, and constantly breastfeeding a newborn means you’ll need all the sustenance you can get. Rather than putting your favorite takeout spot on speed dial, set up a meal train beforehand, that can kick in as soon as you get home. Your friends and family will want to help, and this is the perfect way for you to get fed, and for them to support you.